Browse Snap-ins
Auto-Link DevRev-Github Accounts
by DevRev

Auto-link DevRev GitHub accounts

The Auto-link DevRev GitHub accounts snap-in connects GitHub accounts with their corresponding DevRev accounts on a large scale. It facilitates the automatic creation of shadow users for inactive DevRev accounts and manages their transition to active status upon the users' initial login.


  • The system reads the CSV file containing user data.
  • For each user, it checks if a DevRev account exists using the email (saml_name_id).
  • If the user exists and is active, it links the GitHub account directly.
  • If the user doesn't exist or is inactive, it creates a shadow user and links the GitHub account.
  • Shadow users automatically convert to active users upon their first login.


For detailed installation and configuration instructions, refer to the Auto-link DevRev GitHub accounts documentation.