Automate opportunities
Enable automation features for opportunities to eliminate manual updates, enhance data consistency, and empower you to conduct better-informed sales workflows.
Forecast category automation
Auto-fill forecast categories on the opportunities based on stage updates. Forecast categories are important for opportunity categorization and pipeline analytics, and are often linked to pipeline stages as per processes of sales teams. Enabling this feature keeps the Forecast Category field on opportunities updated in sync with their current stage, as per the stage to forecast category mapping configured in the automation. Updates made by the automation act as default updates and can always be overridden by users in the workspace (based on configured access levels).
Probability automation
Auto-fill the Probability field on opportunities based on their current stage. This automation feature allows you to configure default probabilities for each stage in the sales pipeline, denoting increasing confidence in closure as opportunities progress in the pipeline. Enabling this feature auto-updates opportunity probabilities based on the stage to probability mapping configured in the automation, and can always be overridden by users in the workspace (based on configured access levels).
For detailed installation and configuration instructions, refer to the Automate opportunities documentation