Browse Snap-Ins
AWS Beanstalk
by DevRev

AWS Beanstalk

Sync DevRev issues with AWS Beanstalk and bring visibility into your deployments.



Users are frequently in the dark about the true status of an issue. Did a commit activity that was made make it to production? Was there a production issue, and if so, was it caused by recent commits? When will it get done? How much work is left? Eliminate these questions in your team sync-ups. Let DevRev snap-ins answer these questions for you. Let the events from disparate systems converge.

The AWS Beanstalk snap-in adds deployment tracking to your DevRev work items. Used in combination with VCS (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) and build snap-ins (CircleCi, GitHub Actions), you can track your work all the way from its commit to its ultimate deployment.


Automatic status updates

Automatically updates the status of work items when a related deployment succeeds.

Record successes and failures

Record AWS Beanstalk deployment attempts in the work items that triggered them.