Browse Snap-Ins
by DevRev

Bitbucket for DevRev


Connect Bitbucket with DevRev for seamless synchronization of work and real-time issue and status updates based on code activity.

The Bitbucket snap-in streamlines DevRev issues with Git actions, removing the need for manual issue management. By automating issue handling, developers can focus on meaningful work rather than administrative tasks. This approach resonates with those who've encountered issues like delivering patches without proper tracking, spending time updating issue statuses or finding issue management distracting.

Linking Bitbucket activity to existing issue IDs during branch creation, commits, and PRs is honored, maintaining a Bitbucket-driven issue state without creating issues automatically. The issues' statuses are guided by Bitbucket activity, transitioning from In Development to In Review and Closed stages. This ensures comprehensive work tracking and enhances team visibility, minimizing disruptions.


The automation is robust, providing a range of customizable features. Upon installation, default configurations will be set up, but you can always tailor them further to suit your preferences.

Automatic status updates

Associate your Bitbucket commits, branches, and pull requests with the corresponding DevRev issues and tickets to seamlessly integrate Bitbucket activity into the relevant DevRev issue or ticket. This integration enables you to take action on Bitbucket events within the DevRev issue/ticket, automating manual tasks. Mention DevRev issues or tickets in Bitbucket using either display IDs (e.g., ISS-34) or object IDs (e.g., ticket:34), with case insensitivity. You can include a DevRev issue/ticket reference in branch names, commit messages, or PR titles.