Browse Snap-Ins
Conversation Reassigner
by DevRev

This snap-in is an automation that tracks whenever a user is set as away or turns on reassign mode and changes ownership of conversations accordingly.

How it works

Users can be in one of three states at any given time. The default state, available, means that the user is neither away nor on reassign mode.

If a user is away, then whenever the user is set as owner of conversation the update is rejected (since the user is not available to pick up new conversations). Conversations they already own will remain under their name. Users can designate themselves as away by using the Set yourself as away button under their profile picture.

A user can also turn on reassign mode by executing the /reassign slash command on the Discussions tab of the snap-in. If the user was already in reassign mode, then it will be turned off and they will go back to the available state. If a user was not in reassign mode, then a confirmation widget will appear. After confirming the action, whenever a client sends a message on an existing conversation, the user will be removed from the owners field, and new tries to assign the user as owner will be rejected as with away mode.

If on any change, no owner would be left on a conversation, then a random user that is neither away nor in reassign mode is picked from a configurable group and set as the conversation owner.


  • Give users the ability to stop getting assigned as conversations owners if they are not available.

  • Away mode keeps the user on conversations they already owned, but they will not get new conversations.

  • Reassign mode removes the user from conversations they own, and they will also not get new conversations.

  • If with any change no user would be left as conversation owner, then the automation picks an available user at random and reassigns the conversation to them.


On installation from marketplace, the only configuration input needed is a group from which users should be picked in case of conversation reassigned needed.