Browse Snap-Ins
StageFlow Automator
by DevRev

StageFlow Automator

The StageFlow Automator is a custom snap-in that allows you to configure custom stages between tickets and issues/enhancements. You can create a mapping in a CSV file and upload it to the snap-in. The snap-in reads the CSV file and applies the mapping between the tickets and issues/enhancements. You can also configure the stage transition whenever a message is given by a customer or a support team member.


  • Stage-based notifications on tickets.
  • Subtype support.
  • Custom stages support.

How to use custom convergence snap-in

  1. Create the mapping in the CSV file in the format given below. The CSV file should contain the following columns:
  • Ticket Subtype
  • Issue Stage or Enhancement Stage
  • Ticket Stage Refer to the default stages documentation for each product feature:
  1. In the snap-in Discussion tab, enter /UploadCSV and upload the CSV file you created in step 1.
  2. In the Configuration tab, you can see the mapping that was created in step 1.
  3. Go to Issues or Roadmap, make updates, and the tickets that were linked to it will reflect the changes you configured in the CSV file, notifying the ticket owner.
  4. You can also determine what stage the ticket must go to depending on the message given by a customer user or dev user
  5. In the snap-in Discussion tab, enter /StageConfig.
  6. Select the values from the dropdown for the stage transition whenever a message is given by a customer user or dev user.

Note: Custom stages and subtypes are organization-specific.


For detailed installation and configuration instructions, refer to the StageFlow Automator documentation