Browse Snap-ins
Slack Sraper
by DevRev

Slack scraper snap-in scrapes a channel of all messages, determines what of the conversation is important data and stores this parsed data into a DevRev article. If the scraper is called again, it updates the article with data since the channel was last scraped.

How to use

  1. Install the Slack scraper snap-in.
  2. In the Configuration tab, input the command /slack_scrape <channelID> once you have invited the bot into that channel.
  3. Check the DevRev knowledge base and there will be an article created with the channelID in the title and channelID set as the tag.

Updating your articles

  1. Go to the Slack Scraper snap in.
  2. Type the command /slack_scrape <channelID> in the Discussions tab of the snap-in.
  3. This will synchronize the articles in the app with messages that have been sent in the Slack channel since the last modified date of the article. New articles which were not present earlier will be created.


For detailed installation and configuration instructions, refer to the Slack scraper documentation.