Browse Snap-Ins
by DevRev

Oncall schedule sync

Oncall schedule sync functionality is to add oncall engineers to the respective oncall groups based on a weekly schedule, provide them with access to a specific group of vistas and assign conversations based on their shifts.


  • Adding Members through Time Events: A scheduled trigger is set every Monday at 9:00 PM IST, activating a synchronization function to retrieve designated on-call members for the current week from the Notion page. This process involves removing existing on-call member from their respective country group and replacing them with the newly fetched member. This automated procedure ensures up-to-date and accurate on-call assignments within their country group on a weekly basis.

  • Adding Members through Slash Command: To manually synchronize on-call schedules, users can type the command /syncschedule in the Snap-in discussions tab on the right. This command invokes the same function responsible for checking the current day, retrieving on-call members for the respective week, and updating the respective groups. Notably, even if the command is executed on a Monday, if the time is before 9:00 PM, the previous week's schedule is considered. The synchronization process involves removing existing member and adding new one.This manual command provides flexibility for real-time updates and adjustments to on-call schedules as needed.

How to use Oncall schedule sync

  1. Create a new integration in the Notion and add it as a connection in the On-Call Schedule / Rotation Notion page which contains the oncall database.
  2. Provide the PAT of the Dev-0 Admin and the Notion secret key as connections to the snap-in.
  3. Also create a connection for sendgrid with the API key of Support mail.
  4. Provide the Database Id, Notifier email Id, and country-group-shift information in JSON format in the configurations.
  5. Also provide the ID's of the vistas that need to be shared with the Oncall engineers every week.
  6. Install the snap-in and type the command /syncschedule to view the members being added to the group.