Browse Snap-Ins
by DevRev

SLA breach notifier for conversation

The snap-in notifies the configured users via Slack in the specified channel whenever a conversation is nearing breach or has breached the SLA.


1. Slack bot pat

  • Create a Slack app for your workspace at
  • In App features, generate bot token in OAuth & Permissions
  • Give the app bot Channel-Read, groups-read, user.profile:read, users:read,,chat-write access and userGroup-read access
  • Invite the bot to the workspace
  • Save the bot access token as a connection(snap-in secret) in the DevRev app.


  • It sends a Slack message whenever a conversation gets breached or close to breaching its SLA.
  • It tags the owner of the conversation and the configured members.
  • It adds a first-response-breach tag to the conversation when it breaches the First response SLA.
  • It adds a second-response-breach tag to the conversation when it breaches the Second response SLA and adds the value of the tag for further breaches.

How to use SLA breach notifier for conversation snap-in

  1. In the Configuration tab, input the slack channel ID where the notifications are to be sent and select the tag to be added for the first response breach, and input the member emails whom to be notified on the first response breach.
  2. Also, select the tag to be added for the next response breach and input the member emails of whom to be notified on the next response breach.
  3. Install the snap-in.