Browse Snap-ins
Ticket Linked Issues Comment Sync
by DevRev

Ticket linked issues comment sync

The Ticket linked issues comment sync snap-in enhances collaboration between support and engineering teams by automatically synchronizing comments between linked tickets and issues in DevRev. When a comment is added to a ticket, it is replicated to all linked issues, ensuring all stakeholders have access to the same information.


  • Ticket-to-issue comment synchronization: Comments from tickets are automatically replicated to all linked issues, maintaining context and ensuring engineering teams have access to the same information without manual duplication.

  • Context preservation: Each synchronized comment includes a prefix indicating the original author and source ticket (for example, "Posted by user_handle from TICKET-ID"), ensuring transparency about the comment's origin.

  • Organized comment threads: Maintains separate threads for internal discussions and customer messages, improving readability and preventing comment duplication.

  • Attachment support: File attachments in comments are preserved during synchronization, ensuring complete context transfer including visual and document references.

  • Automatic schema management: Creates and manages necessary custom fields for tracking comment relationships via app fragments for seamless integration.

  • Flexible comment structure: Configurable options to display synchronized comments either in a threaded structure or flat structure, based on team preferences.


For detailed configuration instructions, refer to the Ticket Linked Issues Comment Sync documentation.